Free Tattoo Designs - Best Places to LookHere are the
best places to find free tattoo designs. Most
free tattoo designs are generic and boring, and you've seen them a thousand times before. You want to find a
free tattoo design which is strong, unique, and can stand out.
Finding your tattoo design:

1. The Tattoo Parlor. Obviously this must be mentioned as this is a major resource for many free tattoo designs ranging from old school tats, to more modern. The downside to the parlor is the sheer volume of designs you'll have to go through, and likely you'll have to keep coming back to sift through their books and look on the walls for a
tattoo design which fits you.

2. Graffiti pits or parks. If there are areas designated for graffiti then it's worth a stroll through with your camera to pick up on some free tattoo design ideas. This option is often overlooked and it's too bad because you can see some great art that could be translated over to skin art. Especially if your tattoo has mural elements to it then this can be a great source of inspiration.

Online tattoo catalogues. Probably the best and easiest place to pick up a
free tattoo design is through tattoo catalogues or books that you can access on the internet. Many require you sign up for a membership which requires a fee for joining, but once you're in you have access to literally hundreds of unique and creative designs which are all free to use for a tattoo. This works well because you can really "sit" with the tattoo for several days or weeks before making the choice to get it done. Every day you can access it online, give it a look over and see if it feels as strong 2 weeks from now as it did when you first saw it. If you are serious about getting the right free tattoo design, then an
online tattoo book is a smart and strong way to go.
( By Chess McDoogle )
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