Next, If this person is very special to you (not a family member), are there going to be ramifications if this relationship changes? Some people would still consider the tattoo to be a sign of their past together and herald this as a chapter in their life. Others may not look too kindly upon carrying around another's name after the relationship has changed. Also, what about the named person? What would they think. What would the next "special person" in your life think about the "old" tattoo? These are all good questions.
If the person to be named in your tattoo design is a family member, once again, give them the respect of asking them what they think. I think it is a wonderful way to permanently recognize the meaning and relationship of special family members. Think "Mom" on the sailors arm. Some people ink the whole family in certain designs like trees or hearts to symbolize the unity of the family.
Another way in which names are used in tattoos is in memorials. When someone special passes away, inking a tattoo of their name is a sign of respect for the person who has passed on. They are sometimes seen written in hearts with ribbons or flowers. This is a very personal way of showing that they will be missed and that they are always thought about. Consider this option if someone close to you has died and you would like for them to remain near to your heart and memory.
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