Dragon Tattoos Designs - Tips on How to Get Such Meaningful Tattoo Designs
Protection and security are two of the other basic things that are represented by such designs. Such images serve as a representation or symbol of the person's total personality, or better yet, of his future dreams and ambitions as well. They may even suggest one's desires, wants, needs or longings for being protected and being secure at all times. By inking such markings in their very own physical body, it more or less strengthens or intensifies their beliefs of acquiring such traits and values.
What is more, there are what we call the European, as well as the Asian dragons which are the ones most frequently used as far as dragon tattoo designs are concerned. Both of these tattoo designs actually originate from a rich tradition and myths, which make the symbol of dragons much more worthwhile. The European dragons are actually those that are regularly exemplified in medieval times, if not as a castle guard, then as a frightening sentry.
On the other hand, you can also choose the Asian tattoo designs which have a sense of balance when talking about good and evil. These dragon designs in fact, represent not only power but also a great sense of mystery, goodwill, brainpower, knowledge, protection, supernatural powers, and of benevolence. While the dragons are considered to be both a fearsome and placid creature, the more the people are adhered to using them and making them a part of their bodies used as accessories.
In addition, there are also what you call the Chinese tattoo designs that come with fixed characteristics. While the Horned dragon is considered to be the strongest or mightiest, the Celestial dragons are believed to be the ones to watch over the mighty heavens and the one that protects God. In fact, there is still a long queue of dragons for discussion; but the most important thing is research if you want to end up with the best dragon tattoo designs for you. ( By Russell Reugh )
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