You can draw a dolphin of Celtic or tribal influenced design or any stylized variation. A dolphin jumping of the water could be emphasized by splashes of water that could be added on the sides. Perhaps a dolphin head bobbing gaily could be attractive too.
The advent of sea parks exhibiting the prowess of the dolphin proves that they are intelligent and could be trained to do tricks and interact with human beings. We are captivated by how dolphins do some synchronized acrobatics, carry their trainers, respond to commands and be simply playful with anybody.
Thus, a person who is sporting a dolphin tattoo may project the spirit of freedom, frolic, creativity, and intelligence. It could also mean that one has conquered or mastered the water element and suggests an adventurous and courageous character.
Relish the charm that dolphin exudes through a dolphin tattoo on your shoulder, forearm, ankles, back or anywhere on your body. You will be surprised that having a dolphin tattoo generates interest the moment somebody sees it on you because most people are captivated by the dolphin's unique charm.
( Articles By Amy Johns )
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