Articles By Mike Wamoult
If you are proud of your Southern heritage, and don't feel that the rebel flag is racist; you may want to consider getting rebel flag tattoos. A Confederate flag tattoo will send the same message to others as if you were sporting around with an American flag tattoo, you are proud of your roots.
Before you decide to get a Confederate flag tattoo, especially one that could be on display often, consider that it is possible that your tattoo will be mistaken for a racially motivated or hateful image. This image is highly controversial, with many people relating it to the death of many Americans and the slavery of a whole race. You may just be trying to display your Southern pride others might not share in your glory.
If you're seeking an awesome Confederate flag design for yourself, it is important to be certain that you'll still want to live with it on you later in life. For some reason these types of tattoos seem to appeal to the opposite sex. What usually happens is once a person decides on this type of tattoo, then go to the tattoo shop and start looking through various catalogs and then pick one rather hastily, unfortunately many regret that decision later.
If you finally decide on a Confederate flag tattoo then put a lot of thought into where you will put it in your body. If you have this tattoo placed in a place on your body where it will be seen often then be prepared for the controversy that will surround it. Pray that you never have to apply for a job and your manager is African American. Just use a little common sense and think into the future before you get a tattoo like this one.
A cross tattoo symbolizes a strong religious conviction unless it is altered in a manner that contradicts that. An American flag tattoo usually indicates that one has strong pride for America and is patriotic. So it is only common that a Confederate flag tattoo would indicate that a person either has deep ties to the South or they are prejudice against African Americans. Again, that might depend on how the tattoo is designed and displayed.
So if are getting a Confederate flag tattoo, do take note of the above tattoo tips. That will allow you to own a design that you are truly proud of.
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